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Fox News In Crisis Mode, Tries To Rescue Failing Herschel Walker Campaign

Fox News is trying to rescue GOP Senate candidate Herschel Walker’s trailing campaign in an attempt to beat Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock.

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Fox News is trying to rescue GOP Senate candidate Herschel Walker’s trailing campaign in an attempt to beat Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock.

Polls have shown Warnock ahead of Walker, who has made a series of gaffes and strange statements since winning the Republican Party primary.

“Fox News has aired two favorable interviews of Georgia Senate candidate Herschel Walker by host Brian Kilmeade in the span of a week, providing the candidate with crucial support in one of the most closely watched Senate midterms in the country.

The segments paired an incoherent candidate with an incoherent television personality in a seeming attempt by the campaign to make Walker appear intelligent by comparison.

On August 1, Fox & Friends aired a segment of Kilmeade ostensibly spending the day with Walker on the campaign trail. The opening seconds of the piece dispelled any pretense of journalistic distance, as Kilmeade literally skipped with excitement toward his interview subject.” [READ MORE]
